Peer-reviewed articles and book chapters:
Rohweder, R., L. Schuler-Faccini, G. Ferraz. 2025. Evaluating a public health assessment and response framework: SARS-CoV-2 spread under the controlled distancing model of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Health Security, in press
Zulian, V., D. A. W. Miller, and G. Ferraz. 2021. Endemic and threatened Amazona parrots of the Atlantic Forest: an overview of their geographic range and population size. Diversity 13: 416
Zulian, V, D. A. W. Miller, and G. Ferraz. 2021. Integrating citizen-science and planned-survey data improves species distribution estimates. Diversity and Distributions 27: 2498-2509
Luza, A. L., C. B. Gualdi, L. Diefenbach, L. Schüler-Faccini, and G. Ferraz. 2021. Mapeamento dinâmico da probabilidade de infestação por vetores urbanos de arbovírus nos municípios do Rio Grande do Sul, 2016-2017. Epidemiologia e Serviços de Saúde 30: e2020154.
Ferraz, G. 2020. The privilege of longevity. Nature Climate Change 10: 890-891
Zulian, V., E. S. Müller, K. L. Cockle, A. Lesterhuis, R. Tomasi Júnior, N. P. Prestes, J. Martinez, M. Kéry, and G. Ferraz. 2020. Addressing multiple sources of uncertainty in the estimation of global parrot abundance from roost counts: A case study with the Vinaceous-breasted Parrot (Amazona vinacea). Biological Conservation 248: 108672
Mores, G. B., L. Schuler-Faccini, H. Hasenack, L. O. Fetzer, G. D. Souza, and G. Ferraz. 2020. Site occupancy by Aedes aegypti in a subtropical city is most sensitive to control during Autumn and Winter months. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 103: 445-454.
Muñoz, A. P., M. Kéry, P. V. Martins, and G. Ferraz. 2018. Age effects on survival of Amazon forest birds and the latitudinal gradient in bird survival. The Auk 135: 299-313.
Couto, T. B. d'A., J. Zuanon, Julian D. Olden and G. Ferraz. 2017. Longitudinal variability in lateral hydrologic connectivity shapes fish occurrence in temporary floodplain ponds. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Science 75: 319-328.
Gonçalves, B. C, and G. Ferraz. 2016. Is hearing believing? Patterns of bird voice misidentification in an online quiz. Revista Brasileira de Ornitologia 24: 217-227.
Abad-Franch, F., E. Zamora-Perea, G. Ferraz, S. D. Padilla-Torres, and S. L. B. Luz. 2015. Mosquito-disseminated pyriproxyfen yields high breeding-site coverage and boosts juvenile mosquito mortality at the neighborhood scale. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases 9(4): e0003702.
Figueira, L., J. L. Tella, U. M. Camargo, and G. Ferraz. 2015. Autonomous sound monitoring shows higher use of Amazon old growth than secondary forest by parrots. Biological Conservation 184: 27-35.
Soares, L., F. Abad-Franch, and G. Ferraz. 2014. Epidemiology of cutaneous leishmaniasis in central Amazonia: a comparison of sex-biased incidence among rural settlers and field biologists. Tropical Medicine & International Health 19: 988-995.
Ferraz, G. 2013. “Island Biogeography Theory.” Oxford Bibliographies in “Ecology”. Ed. D. Gibson. New York, Oxford University Press.
Ferraz, G. 2013. “Sobre o uso do termo ‘fragmentação’.” in Conservação da Biodiversidade em Paisagens Antropizadas do Brasil. Eds. C. A. Peres, J. Barlow, T. A. Gardner, I. C. G. Vieira. pp. 515-531. Editora UFPR. Curitiba, Brazil.
Ferraz, G., G. Machado, P. R. Guimarães, Jr., and S. Koehler. 2013. Fundamentos para o conteúdo e a implementação da pós-graduação em Ecologia. Revista Brasileira de Pós-Graduação 10 (19): 187-209.
Padilla-Torres, S. D., G. Ferraz, S. L. B. Luz, E. Zamora-Perea, F. Abad-Franch. 2013. Modeling dengue vector dynamics under imperfect detection: three years of site-occupancy by Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus in urban Amazonia. PLoS One 8: e58420.
Baccaro, F. B., and G. Ferraz. 2013. Estimating density of ant nests using distance sampling. Insectes Sociaux 60: 103-110.
Cerqueira, M. C., M. Cohn-Haft, C. F. Vargas, C. E. Nader, C. B. Andretti, T. V. V. Costa, M. Sberze, J. E. Hines, and G. Ferraz. 2013. Rare or elusive? A test of expert knowledge about rarity of Amazon forest birds. Diversity and Distributions 19: 710-721.
Ferraz, G. 2012. Twelve guidelines for biological sampling in environmental licensing studies. Natureza & Conservação 10(1): 20-26.
Ewers, R. M, R. K. Didham, L. Fahrig, G. Ferraz, A. Hector, R. D. Holt, V. Kapos, G. Reynolds, W. Sinun, J. L. Snaddon and E. C. Turner. 2011. A large-scale forest fragmentation experiment: the Stability of Altered Forest Ecosystems Project. Philos. Trans. R. Soc. B 366 (1582): 3292-3302
Abad-Franch, F., G. Ferraz, C. Campos, F. S. Palomeque, M. J. Grijalva, H. M. Aguilar, and M. A. Miles. 2010. Modeling disease vector occurrence when detection is imperfect: infestation of Amazonian palm trees by Triatomine bugs at three spatial scales. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases 4 (3): e620.
Ferraz, G., M. Sberze, and M. Cohn-Haft. 2010. Using occupancy estimates to fine-tune conservation concerns. Anim. Conserv. 13 (1): 19-20.
Sberze, M., M. Cohn-Haft, and G. Ferraz. 2010. Old growth and secondary forest site occupancy by nocturnal birds in a neotropical landscape. Anim. Conserv. 13 (1): 3-11.
Martin, J., J. D. Nichols, C. L. McIntyre, G. Ferraz, and J. E. Hines. 2009. Perturbation analysis for patch occupancy dynamics. Ecology 90 (1): 10-16.
Ferraz, G., C. E. Marinelli, and T. E. Lovejoy. 2008. Biological monitoring in the Amazon: Recent progress and future needs. Biotropica 40(1): 7-10.
Ferraz, G., J. D. Nichols, J. E. Hines, P. C. Stouffer, R. O. Bierregaard, Jr., and T. E. Lovejoy. 2007. A large-scale deforestation experiment: effects of patch area and isolation on Amazon birds. Science 315:238-241. [Abstract]
Ferraz, G., G. J. Russell, P. C. Stouffer, R. O. Bierregaard, S. L. Pimm, and T. E. Lovejoy. 2003. Rates of species loss from Amazonian forest fragments. PNAS 100 (24): 14069-14073.
Magazine articles and technical documents
Ferraz, G., F. G. Becker, A. P. Moesch, and AGAPAN. 2024. Planilha de comparação entre os códigos estaduais do meio ambiente do Rio Grande do Sul de 2000 e de 2020. Zenodo 9 Nov 2024
Ferraz, G. 2024. O que Eduardo Leite não disse sobre o código ambiental: Desmonte da legislação ambiental gaúcha enfraquece o estado face à crise do clima. piauí 25 Jul 2024
Book translation:
Gotelli, N. J. 2007. Ecologia. Editora Planta. Londrina, Brasil. (Translated by G. Ferraz and A. M. F. Pacheco, from Gotelli’s ‘A Primer of Ecology')